Call for Papers

The TICEFA 2023 conference theme will be “Financial Inclusion and Fintech Revolution: Covid-19 Lessons”.

The aim of the conference is to enrich the debate on the role of Fintech in the development of the financial sector and to highlight some of the most intractable challenges for financial inclusion and the possibilities of adaptation of financial institutions to these new technological innovations. Moreover, this conference aims to explore the Fintech trends and their impact during and after COVID-19. It also seeks to examine how the pandemic and the subsequent crises have affected the market structure and the changing landscape of financial intermediation.

The conference is multidisciplinary, we welcome submissions in English or French in areas of business, finance, Fintech, accounting, entrepreneurship, and economics, among others.

The main topics include but are not limited to :

  • Fintech, Blockchain, and cryptocurrencies
  • Financial Inclusion, Digitalization, and Financial Literacy
  • Recent Crises and Banking System Resilience
  • Corporate Governance, CSR, and Climate Change
  • Risk Management
  • Financial markets, Commodity markets, and Energy
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Corporate Finance and Accounting
  • Economic Development and Circular Economy

Interested authors can submit their complete papers (in PDF files), no later than April 2, 2023 April 08, 2023 via the conference website: Submit a Paper.

Note: The first page of your submission must contain the title, authors’ names, and the corresponding author’s contact details. 

To be able to submit your paper you will be asked to register in the scienceconf website et create an account.

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