
You are cordially invited to submit your research papers for presentation at the 2023 Tunisia-International Conference on Economics Finance and Accounting (TICEFA 2023) that will take place on 5-7 May 2023 in Hammamet (Tunisia), the primary tourist destination in Tunisia.

The TICEFA 2023 is jointly organized by International Finance Group Tunisia, IFGT, Tunis El Manar University, Laboratory of Research in Innovative Management, Risk, Accounting and Finance, LARIMRAF, Manouba University, Governance, Finance & Comptabilité, GFC, Sfax University, and Association Tunisienne pour la Recherche Scientifique en Risk Management (ASTURIMA).

Since it is a multidisciplinary conference rallying professionals to academics, it will be an excellent networking opportunity for academics, doctoral students, and practitioners giving them the opportunity to present new research results, and discuss current and challenging issues in their disciplines. Special sessions will be dedicated to Ph.D. students offering them the opportunity to present and discuss their thesis progress and early results of their research. A practical training session on data mining programming on phyton software will also be scheduled.

Keynote Speakers


Marouane El Abassi, University professor and Governor of the Central Bank of Tunisia.


 Marwen abassi


Marouane El Abassi is a Doctor of Economics from the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne. Senior Economist in the World Bank Group since January 2008, he coordinates the Country Program for Libya. In 2012, he was appointed Director of the World Bank Office in Libya. He was also Senior Advisor to the Arab Institute of Business Leaders (IACE), Expert for the Tunisian Institute of Strategic Studies (ITES) and Economic Advisor to the Minister of Trade, Tourism and Handicrafts in charge of management of the export development project financed by the World Bank. With an economics degree, he was appointed Full Professor at the University of Carthage in 2007. Several times distinguished for the excellence of his teaching and research, Marouane El Abassi has published several of his articles in renowned economic journals. and contributed to the writing of several books; Teaching in various disciplines and MBA programs, he has been a visiting professor at ICHEC in Brussels, at the University of Tsukuba and at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York.


Nazim Hussain, Associate Professor of Sustainability Accounting, University of Groningen, Netherlands


Dr. Nazim Hussain is a tenured Associate Professor of Sustainability Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. After completing his Ph.D. in Business Administration at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy, he has dedicated himself to research in the fields of Corporate Sustainability Performance and Disclosure analysis, Financial Accounting, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Greenwashing. His findings have been widely published in prestigious journals, such as the British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, British Accounting Review, Journal of International Money and Finance, Business & Society, Business Strategy and the Environment, International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, and Energy Economics. He has further been invited to guest edit special issues in International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Journal of Economics and Development, and Frontiers in Environmental Science.

Samir TrabelsiCPA Ontario Distinguished Research Scholar & Professor of Accounting & Governance, Brock University, Canada


Samir Trabelsi is a Professor of Accounting and Governance at the Goodman School of Business. Professor Trabelsi began teaching at Goodman School of Business in 2004. He holds a PhD in Accounting from HEC Montreal and a CPA designation. He has taught courses in corporate governance, external reporting, and research methodology. Prior to his academic career, Trabelsi practiced public accounting at KPMG Tunisia. Trabelsi’s research interests are in the area of corporate governance, sustainability, Corruption, and risk management. Trabelsi’s research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He won the best paper award at several conferences. He has also been the recipient of Brock University Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017) and the Departmental Researcher of the Year Award (2019). As the founding director of the CPA (formerly CGA) Ontario Research Excellence Centre and even prior to its establishment, Dr. Trabelsi has organized many international conferences, globally as well as on the Brock University campus. These events have brought together academics and practitioners from across the province, Canada and internationally. Trabelsi He has been invited to give talks and keynote lectures in many prestigious international meetings and webinars including the COVID-19: Good Crisis for Governance or a Crisis in Governance, Boards in the aftermath of coronavirus, and Transparency & Governance Deficit in Tunisia: A Post-COVID19 Pathway.


Nejia Gharbi, CEO Deposit Loan Fund (CDC, Tunisia), Chairman of the Board of Directors at BNA - National Agricultural Bank.


Holder of a master's degree in management in 1987 and a diploma in the ENA Superior Cycle in 1991, Nejia Gharbi began her career as the general control of public services at the primary from April 1991 to July 2001, then administrative and financial manager of the project valuation of the cultural heritage funded by the World Bank from August 2001 to January 2009, State controller of the Phosphate and Fure Sector sector from 2009 to February 2012 and from March 2012 to June 2014, Secretary General of Tunisair, from July 2014 to March 2018 Mission manager in the office of the head of government and director general of the investor supervision unit and since April 2018, DGA of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations CDC. And since November 2015, she has accumulated with her duties the post of president of the Board of Directors of the STB. She also followed several training cycles and training of trainers with BM, SFI and BERD. 

Lotfi Debbabi, CEO of QNB Tunisia.


Born in Monastir in 1963, Lotfi Debbabi studied economics at the FSEG in Tunis and obtained a Master's degree in economics in 1988. He holds a diploma in banking techniques from ITB Paris in 1999. He also has an SME Development and Financing Program certificate from Harvard University and an MBA in Financial Services from the School of Management Sciences of UQAM (Montreal-Canada). Lotfi Debbabi began his career at Société Tunisienne de Banque on March 27, 1989. From February 1993, he held the position of branch manager for 12 years. On July 23, 2005, Lotfi Debbabi was appointed regional director of Sousse then Monastir. In July 2013, he was appointed central director of network management, commercial operations, and quality at STB. Since October 19, 2017, he has been responsible for the central functions of the retail banking division and the network as head of the division. Lotfi Debbabi was elected Managing Director by the STB Board of Directors and took office on March 7, 2019. In 2020, Lotfi Debbabi has been appointed CEO of QNB Tunisia


 Ahmed El-Karam,  president of the Board of Directors at Tunisie Leasing & Factoring


Graduated from the Institut Technique de Banque – Paris in 1976. Ahmed El Karm was the director of Amen Bank for more than 27 years. He was Chairman of the Executive Board of AMEN BANK and Chairman of the Tunisian Professional Association of Banks and Financial Institutions (APTBEF).




Important Dates

Submission deadline 
April 02, 2023 

Submission deadline extended to
April 12, 2023

Notification of review results
April 13, 2023

Registration deadline
April 24, 2023 

Conference event
May 5-7, 2023


Special Issue of Journal of Economics and Development under the Guest-editorship of Prof. Nazim Hussain, and Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen. See Call for paper for more details. 


Associated journal:  Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit their manuscripts to Politická ekonomie.



Associated journal:  Authors of the best papers award will be invited to submit their manuscripts to Review of Middle East Economics and Finance.




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